Special Event Venue at Padukuhan Tengah Ing Pada
Post on 22 December 2021 | Dilihat 1135 Kali
The location in Br Dukuh, is the residence of a hamlet priest, so that it is used as a center for spiritual activities for residents of hamlet hamlet and its surroundings. Is A Beautiful Place To Hold Small To Medium Scale Events. With this uniqueness owned by Padukuhan, the Pokdarwis of Kenderan Village, with full support from the Nusantara Tourism Village Foundation through its Academy Tourism Village, organized an event: "Kenderan Holy Water Festival 2018" at this place.
Even With All The Limitations, This Inaugural Event Can Be Considered A Success In Its Implementation. In the future, this event will be initiated to become an annual event to boost the image of the Kenderan Tourism Village which carries the concept: Nature – Culture and Spiritual Tourism.