Nyawang Ritual
Post on 22 December 2021 | Dilihat 1237 Kali
Requesting the Grace of IDA SHANG YHANG WIDI May we be blessed with a good and abundant harvest as well as expressing gratitude through ceremonies offered in all directions to ask for Tirta which is then sprinkled on the rice fields. This activity is carried out approximately one month after the full moon nemoning mebiyukukung ceremony before harvest.
And if at the time of Rahina Nyawang, if there is a rice field that has been harvested, abstain from closing Temuku / the water channel to each rice field. The belief of the farmers in Kenderan Village in the existence of Tirtha Campuhan Pitu is the main basis for holding the Nyawang ceremony at Griya Sakti Manuaba Temple every six months. This ceremony is meant to keep the land fertile and the harvest to be abundant.